Poop ice cream in Harajuku

Have you came across this blogger while you were planning your trip to Japan?

Check out the article she wrote about me here:

What’s it Like to Go on a Cyber Bunny Tour of Tokyo?”

This is Helen Foster, a Sydney-based journalist, author, and content creator, who has traveled to Japan six times. She slipped into my DMs one day and asked to write an article about me on her blog after watching “The Reluctant Traveler.” Six months later, I finally got my own blog running and now I’m repaying the favor back ha ha! We call this "okaeshi” お返しin Japanese.

Mini tour around Takeshitadori

Helen was on a mission. She wanted to try some crazy kawaii Harajuku street foods that she could write for her blog.

But I must warn you… the Google reviews have said these foods are average and nothing special. I have to agree, they look better than they taste. If you’re doing it for the gram, then it’s worth the wait!

Poop ice cream (chocolate flavor) …… 750 yen

  • The white plastic contained is shaped like a traditional Japanese style toilet

  • Eyes are made out of ramune

  • Rabbit ears are white chocolate

  • There’s a diarrhea surprise on the bottom (corn flakes)

    I would pass on the taste, but the presentation was worth it for the gram!

She’s so happy! Back to being a child LOL.

Baby Bottle Unicorn drink …… 800 yen

  • Not too sweet

  • Refreshing Mango + blue water + mango bits

  • Nice cooler on a hot day

It looks like a perfume bottle or a room diffuser lol!

Google Map: Sweet XO Good Grief 原宿竹下通り店

FYI: They do not have public bathrooms. Cash only. Prepare to wait 15 minutes or more. There are ring lights available.

Rainbow cheese corn dog…… 800 yen

  • No dog, unfortunately

  • Lots of cheese

  • Warm but soggy

    I would pass on this. I imagined the cheese would stretch and the rainbow color would pop out…

    I think Shin-Okubo (Korea town) does this better.

    *I can’t find the exact shop we went to, but here’s an alternative that also sells the rainbow dog.

    Google Map: Gamaro Gang Jung カマロカン ジョン 原宿2号店



Anakuma Cafe, literally a hole-in-the-wall

I was invited by Anakuma Cafe to come to this hole-in-the-wall… literally! Watch short video here

I dragged Helen here and we each got a cute coffee/tea drink!

She played the gacha gacha game and won a FREE DRINK coupon for next time!

This is an interactive take-out coffee shop where you can play rock, paper, scissors with the bear paws. Their latte is one of the best I’ve had!

They had a special campaign going on so we got the cute bear containers that now serves as my peanut jar.

Cashless payment only

Google Map: Anakuma Cafe

It was her first time at the purikura booth

Me: So you’ve been to Japan 6 times and you’ve never done this before?

Helen: No! It’s so intimidating!

Didn’t I say I like to push people’s comfort zones? I’m all about trying new things and giving people a fun time to remember. Helen does not like to be in front of the camera as much, but she did so well following the on-screen instructions on how to make the cutest poses. The narration is all in Japanese and it’s really fast, so I can see why this can be overwhelming. You only live once!

There are several purikura booths hidden along Takeshitadori. We went to my favorite shop WEGO in the basement floor. It is like another world in there. I bought new ears, do you like it?

Google Map: WEGO

We gladly altered our faces

Helen did great! The photos turned out so well!

We snacked on some kawaii street foods, had a bear make us coffee and tea in the cutest container and a photo to commemorate this day. I love getting to know people who know me, but I don’t know them! It’s nice to finally put a face.

Taken from Helen’s blog

After we said goodbye, I ran into YouTuber Cathy Cat that day and she interviewed me! I was super nervous and I wish I could re-do the interview again and give better answers! Doh! Next time…

Please forgive me, my makeup was literally melting off in the video since it was so hot! Btw, how are we both covered up? Oh the things we do for fashion…

Watch a short clip here: How to tell if a Japanese girl has a crush

Thank you Helen for making time to meet me! Be sure to check out her blog about tips on traveling to Japan!


“I must see a capybara”


Perfect spot to see Wisteria in Tokyo (Day 2)